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The 2024 Korean Enhanced Recovery After Surgery guidelines for colorectal cancer
Kil-yong Lee, Soo Young Lee, Miyoung Choi, Moonjin Kim, Ji Hong Kim, Ju Myung Song, Seung Yoon Yang, In Jun Yang, Moon Suk Choi, Seung Rim Han, Eon Chul Han, Sang Hyun Hong, Do Joong Park, Sang-Jae Park, The Korean Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Committee within the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition
Ann Clin Nutr Metab 2024;16(2):22-42.   Published online August 1, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialePub
The Korean Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Committee within the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition was established to develop ERAS guidelines tailored to the Korean context. This guideline focuses on creating the most current evidence-based practice guidelines for ERAS based on systematic reviews. All key questions targeted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) exclusively. If fewer than two RCTs were available, studies using propensity score matching were also included. Recommendations for each key question were marked with strength of recommendation and level of evidence following internal and external review processes by the committee.
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The Present and Future of Nutrition Support Team
Ji-Young Sul, Jeong Goo Kim
Surg Metab Nutr 2019;10(1):1-4.   Published online June 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFePub

Now days, the use of specialized nutrition support has become a standard tool in the care of patients. With the development of specialized nutrition support, an interdisciplinary approach was essential to archive a goal. Fortunately, Nutritional support team (NST) consultation fee has been reimbursed under the national health insurance system since 2014. Overall, it might be true that there has been some progress in the NST’s activities. However, it is still questionable whether there was a positive effect in terms of quality or cost effectiveness compared to quantitative improvements. Before taking into consideration of the future of NST, we are going to look at the status of nutritional support practice and utility of NST in Korea. Upon this background, we hope to make constructive suggestions for a better future of NST.

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Changes in 2015 Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines
Dae-Sang Lee
J Clin Nutr 2015;7(3):70-74.   Published online December 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFePub

Careful nutritional strategy is an essential component in the management of critically ill patients. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines can be an effective solution to improving the process and structure of nutritional strategy for critically ill patients. The 2015 Canadian clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) summarized the evidence from approximately 354 randomized controlled trials in the area of critical care nutrition since 1980. The Canadian CPGs were first developed in 2003 and have been updated every 2 years. It is important for the acquisition of new evidence-based knowledge. This paper includes a brief summary on changes in 2015 CPGs compared with 2013 CPGs.

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Ann Clin Nutr Metab : Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
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