Several techniques have been introduced for ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization. There are three essential components for the ultrasound-guided needle approach; vessel, ultrasound probe, and puncture needle. According to these three essential components, we can obtain four different views. The ultrasound probe can be placed either in the short axis (probe is perpendicular to the course of the vein) or in the long axis (probe is parallel to the course of the vein) of the internal jugular vein. In addition, the puncture needle can have two planes, in-plane (needle runs parallel to the long axis of the probe) or out-of-plane (needle is at right angles to the long axis of the probe) of the ultrasound probe. The operator should fully understand these techniques in order to improve the result of ultrasound guided central venous catheterization. (Surg Metab Nurtr 2014;5:33-36)