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Strategy for Activation of Home Total Paren-teral Nutrition
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Review Article Strategy for Activation of Home Total Paren-teral Nutrition
Kwi Suk Kim

Home Total Parenteral Nutrition의 활성화 전략
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2013;5(3):96-101.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15747/jcn.2013.5.3.96
Published online: December 31, 2013
Department of Pharmacy, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

서울대학교병원 약제부
Received: 28 August 2013   • Revised: 24 October 2013   • Accepted: 28 October 2013
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Since the 1970s, introduction of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) has been possible for patients with gastrointestinal tract malfunction and is a more cost-effective treatment at home than in a hospital or a skilled nursing facility. It has allowed for enhancement of the quality of life and avoidance of repeated hospitalizations and long-term hospitalization. In determining the target subject of HPN, its benefit is evaluated. Management of the environment should be evaluated. If an HPN subject is determined, he is prepare to receive the central venous catheter and the HPN regimen is determined. In addition, education of pa-tients and caregivers on the complications associated with HPN is very important. Regular monitoring of the sta-bility of HPN should be conducted. HPN must be acti-vated in order to increase the patient's quality of life and to reduce the national medical costs, however, there are several limiting factors for HPN expansion. It may be summerized in five points. 1) Home Nutrition Support Team configuration, 2) Patient education guidelines, 3) System for delivery of HPN, 4) The preparation connection system of HPN between the Korean Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition members, 5) Outsourcing of HPN. Efforts of the Nutrition Support Team and national support are needed in order to resolve the limitations. (J Korean Soc Parenter Enter Nutr 2013;5(3):96-101)

Ann Clin Nutr Metab : Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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