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Volume 6 (2); December 2015
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Review Articles
General Categorization and Application of EN Formula
Jae Gil Lee
Surg Metab Nutr 2015;6(2):17-22.   Published online December 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFePub

Enteral nutrition is a method of nutritional support. If the gut works, its use is recommended for nutritional support. Enteral nutrition has several advantages; low cost, more physiologic, and prevention of mucosal atrophy and maintenance of gastrointestinal immunity. Enteral formula is the medical food used for enteral nutrition. Several types of enteral formula are used in clinical practice. I will hereby introduce the types and selection of enteral formula.

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Systematic Review of the Evidence for an Association between Korean Sugar Intake and Risk of Obesity
Jaekyung Choi, Ah-Leum Ahn, Kyoung Sik Park, Jae Hoon Cho, Eunyoel Yang, Young Bin Cho, Jong Ryul Kwon, Jaedo Oh, Ik Jin Yun, Wonjung Yun, Eun Yeong Song
Surg Metab Nutr 2015;6(2):23-27.   Published online December 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFePub


The purpose of this study is to collect research data on sugar intake and obesity of Koreans and through systematic review, present our views on the topic.

Materials and Methods:

An analysis of previously reported research studies was conducted through systematic review and data were collected from databases in Korea and other countries. Out of 1,316 studies collected, 7 were chosen for the purpose of this research study.


According to a study including female Korean high school students and college students in Seoul as the subjects, those who were overweight had slightly lower sugar intake than those who were normal weight. Another study conducted on a large group of females showed that there was no substantial difference in the level of sugar intake between the “Obese Group” and the “Normal Weight Group.” In the group of Korean adults with a high level of carb consumption, the cross ratio of the overall sugar intake and obesity showed a tendency to increase, but no significant differences were observed. Intake of sugar-sweetened drinks by children and teenagers (age 7 to 12) in Korea resulted in an increase in the odds ratio of obesity.


This study does not show that the amount of sugar intake and obesity does not show a direct correlation among Koreans. A more developed and thorough study that considers not only the amount of sugar intake, but also other factors such as physical activity or exercise, should be devised.


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  • Intake-related factors and educational needs regarding energy drinks in female high school students in the Incheon area
    So Hyun Park, Seon Hwa Lee, Kyung Ja Chang
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(5): 460.     CrossRef
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Original Articles
Relationship between Selenium Plasma Levels and Prognosis of Major Burn Patients
Seung Hyun Hwang, Tae Young Jang, Tae Young Jang, Hye Jung Han, Hye Jung Han, Go Woon Woo, Go Woon Woo
Surg Metab Nutr 2015;6(2):28-32.   Published online December 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFePub


Selenium is an important trace element for antioxidative function. Low selenium plasma level in sepsis is associated with high oxidative damage and increasing consumption of selenium, which is thought to affect severity of burns. This study was conducted to investigate a relationship between selenium plasma levels and prognosis of burn patients.

Materials and Methods:

In a retrospective review of 45 burn patients with more than 20% TBSA from January 2011 to May 2015, selenium plasma levels on days 2 to 7 after burn injury, abbreviated burn severity index (ABSI), mortality, length of stay in intensive care unit, and duration of intravenous antibiotics use were measured.


Selenium plasma levels on days 2 to 7 after burn injury were fairly correlated with ABSI (r=-0.640, P<0.001), TBSA (r=-0.640, P<0.001), duration of intravenous antibiotics use (r=-0.555, P<0.001), and length of stay in intensive care unit (r=-0.445, P=0.004). In comparison between survivor and non-survivor, statistical difference was observed between two selenium plasma levels (66.2±13.6 mcg/L versus 49.4±14.5 mcg/L, P=0.002).


In this study, selenium plasma levels on days 2 to 7 after burn injury was related to prognosis of major burn patients.

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Intestinal Rehabilitation after Extensive Bowel Resection in Post-Gastrectomy Patients
Seung Rim Han, Sanghoon Lee, Chae-Youn Oh, Hyun-Jung Kim, Hyo Jung Park, Jun Ho Lee, Tae Sung Sohn, Jae Moon Bae, Jeong-Meen Seo
Surg Metab Nutr 2015;6(2):33-37.   Published online December 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFePub


Surgical complications requiring massive bowel resection after gastrectomy are rare. However, when such an event occurs the patient may develop short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure. We report our experience of intestinal rehabilitation in four post-gastrectomy patients.

Materials and Methods:

From January 2011 to June 2014, four cases of short bowel syndrome were identified in post-gastrectomy patients. All patients were managed by a multidisciplinary team specialized in the care of intestinal failure patients. Patients’ medical records were reviewed retrospectively.


The original diagnosis was early gastric cancer in all patients. One patient had synchronous esophageal cancer. Patients required extensive bowel resection due to bowel strangulation from internal herniation (3 cases), superior mesenteric artery torsion (1 case). Remnant small bowel length ranged from 10 cm to 80 cm and partial resection of the colon was performed in three cases. One patient received serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP) and one patient is receiving continuous enteral feeding via surgical gastrostomy. There were no cases of intestinal failure-associated liver disease. Two patients are receiving home parenteral nutrition in varying degrees. Two patients have been weaned off parenteral nutrition.


Four post-gastrectomy patients with short bowel syndrome were managed. Despite application of various medical and surgical measures, weaning off parenteral nutrition was difficult in these patients.

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Ann Clin Nutr Metab : Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
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