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Yoonhyeong Byun 2 Articles
Preoperative consumption of a carbohydrate drink before laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and beneficial in Korea: a non-randomized controlled study
Yoo Jin Choi, Yoonhyeong Byun, Seong Mi Yang, Ho-Jin Lee, Hongbeom Kim
Ann Clin Nutr Metab 2023;15(1):15-21.   Published online April 1, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Purpose: Overnight fasting prior to elective surgery is the traditional way of avoiding the risk of aspiration during anesthesia induction. However, it causes mental and metabolic stress to patients. Therefore, we investigated the safety and potential benefits of the preoperative consumption of a carbohydrate drink.
Methods: This was a single-center prospective, nonrandomized study with questionnaire. Patients scheduled for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included. There was no restriction on age, underlying diseases, and biliary drainage prior to surgery. They were preoperatively given either a carbohydrate drink or were instructed to fast from midnight before surgery. Perioperative emotional status was measured using the visual analog scale.
Results: The 132 patients completed the questionnaire, with 68 receiving the carbohydrate drink and 64 following nil per oral after-midnight instruction. There were no postoperative complications related to preoperative drink consumption or the cholecystectomy procedure itself in both groups. There were no significant differences in all the assessed feelings postoperatively except that preoperative discomforts, such as hunger and thirst, were significantly more alleviated in the group of preoperative consumption of a carbohydrate drink.
Conclusion: Preoperative consumption of a carbohydrate drink was found to be safe and effective in alleviating preoperative discomfort in elective surgery patients, including older patients and those with underlying comorbidities, who were at greater risk for aspiration. Therefore, we recommend considering preoperative drink consumption as an alternative to traditional overnight fasting in elective surgery patients.
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Nutritional Status of Patients with Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic Surgical Disease
Sang Soo Eom, Yong Chan Shin, Chang-Sup Lim, In Woong Han, Woohyun Jung, Yoonhyeong Byun, Dong Wook Choi, Jin Seok Heo, Hongbeom Kim
Surg Metab Nutr 2020;11(2):46-52.   Published online December 30, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDF
Purpose: This study examined the nutritional status of patients with hepatobiliary-pancreatic diseases before surgery to establish basic reference data.
Materials and Methods: This study evaluated retrospectively 2,322 patients admitted for hepatobiliary-pancreatic surgery between 2014 and 2016 at four Korean medical institutions using the body mass index (BMI) score. The prognostic nutrition index (PNI) was calculated in patients diagnosed with malignant diseases.
Results: The mean BMI was 24.0 kg/m2 (range, 13.2~39.1 kg/m2). The patients were classified as low BMI (<21.5 kg/ m2, below 25 percentile), intermediate BMI (21.5~25.5 kg/m2), and high BMI (>25.5 kg/m2, above 75 percentile). There were significant differences in the age, sex distribution, ASA classification, type of hospitalization, biliary drainage, organ, and pathology diagnosis between the pairs among the low, intermediate, and high BMI groups. Among the three BMI groups, the complication rate of the low BMI group was highest (34.4% vs. 29.7% vs. 25.8% P=0.005). The median lengths of hospital stay in the low, intermediate, and high BMI groups were 9, 9, and 7 days, respectively (P<0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed the risk factors of the low BMI group to be a higher ASA classification, biliary drainage, pancreatic disease, and malignant disease. The group with PNI<45 had significantly longer hospital stays than the group with PNI≥45 (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Patients with a low BMI had a higher ASA classification, preoperative biliary drainage, pancreatic disease, and malignant disease. The low PNI group had significantly longer hospital stays than the high PNI group. Screening of the preoperative nutritional status is necessary for assessing the risk of malnutrition and its treatment.
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Ann Clin Nutr Metab : Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
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